Selasa, 28 April 2020

20 Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Beserta Jawaban LengkapPart3

20 Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 Beserta Jawaban Lengkap Part3 untuk siswa SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat - Soal pilihan ganda b. Inggris kelas xii semester ganjil K13 postingan ketiga ini, berisikan materi yang diambil dari Bab 3, yaitu soal tentang caption text dan construct caption. Tentunya berbeda dengan 20 contoh soal PG b. Inggris (Bab 1) yang berisikan tentang offering and its responses expression dan construct offering expression serta 15 contoh soal PG b. Inggris (Bab 2) yang berisikan materi tentang conditional clause.

Dimulai dari pertanyaan nomor 1, berikut dibawah ini soal pilihan ganda/multiple choices bahasa Inggris kelas 12 semester ganjil kurtilas edisi revisi dilengkapi kunci jawaban.

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e!

1. What is the meaning of the secences?
a. Love can be represent by music
b. It is about how to play music
c. Love is music
d. A child loves music
e. A father plays music for his child
Answer : a
Pembahasan: tulisan tersebut adalah perwakilan dari musik yang dapat mewakili rasa cinta

2. What is the aim of the text?
a. To make readers understand about love?
b. To make readers what to know about music
c. To inform readers that music can make love to everyone
d. To inform that a father loves his child
e. To inform that music can bring love
Answer : c
Pembahasan: tujuan caption tersebut adalah untuk memberi tahu pembaca bahwa musik dapat mewakili rasa sayang kita terhadap keluarga

3. What is advantage of the text?
a. Motivate others to care
b. To make others understand love
c. To inform other about music
d. To inform that a father loves his child
e. To inform that music can show a love
Answer : a
Pembahasan: manfaat yang diperoleh adalah kita bisa perduli kepada orang lain

4. Why does father in the picture play bamboo flute? Because, bamboo flute….
a. A simple way of music
b. Cheap things
c. It can be faound everywhere
d. Everybody can use it
e. Bamboo represent simple, warm, and traditional
Answer : a
Pembahasan: seruling bambu mewakili hal yang sederhana tetapi bermanfaat untuk orang lain.

5. Why does a child look happy?
a. A child likes a bamboo
b. A child likes his father
c. A child feels his feather’s love
d. A child seems get flute
e. A child can sing together
Answer : c
Pembahasan: rasa sayang ayah lewat music dapat dirasakan oleh anak

“I can’t change the direction of the wind 
But I can adjust my sails to always reach 
My destination”
-Jimmy Dean-
6. I can’t change the direction of the wind what does the sentence mean?
a. We can follow the wind blows
b. We can’t change the God’s will
c. We need to change our wind blows
d. We need someone to direct our ways
e. We should follow the rule
Answer : e

7. What does the word adjust means in the caption?
a. We can decide our ways
b. We can arrange our plans
c. We can make our ways
d. We need someone to give advances
e. We should appreciate our ways
Answer : a

8. The words Sails mean….
a. Our goal
b. Our decision
c. Our dream
d. Our ways
e. Our beliving
Answer : d

9. How can we reach our destination based on the caption?
a. We should sail over the sea
b. We should know our destination
c. We should organize our ways
d. We can manage our dream
e. We should determine our ways
Answer : c

10. What do you feel after reading the caption?
a. Sad
b. Get motivation
c. Confused with the world
d. Feel better in my life
e. Settle the ways to reach dream
Answer : b
Microsoft word Will never Understand That my name Is NOT a Spelling mistake
11. What is the meaning of the text?
a. Name is not a mistake
b. The writer’s name is fault
c. Ms. World is just a program
d. We can not depend on the program
e. We have to be grateful with our name
Answer : a
Pembahasan: Lihat kutipan bacaan " name is not a mistake. Jadi, berdasarkan kutipan bacaan diketahui bahwa arti bacaan tersebut ialah "Name is not a mistake

12. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To make fuuny
b. To inform readers
c. To educate readers
d. To make surpised
e. To get knowledge
Answer : c
Pembahasan: Teks tersebut ialah tentang Microsoft Word. Tujuan penulisan teks ini adalah untuk memberikan pembelajaran atau pendidikan bagi para pembacanya.

13. What is the Microsoft Word?
a. A channel on tv
b. A program of internet
c. A program of computer
d. A tool of internet
e. A tool of computer
Answer : c

14. What is “spelling” in Indonesia?
a. Mengeja
b. Membaca
c. Menulis
d. Brbicara
e. Mendengar
Answer : a

15. What is “mistake” in Indonesia?
a. Kesalahan
b. Keinginan
c. Keingintahuan
d. Kemauan
e. Kesayangan
Answer : a

The text is for number 16-20

16. Who is the author of the text?
a. C.S Lewis
b. The beatles
c. Queen Elisabeth
d. I.r Soekarno
e. Donald Trump
Answer : a

17. What is the meaning of “dream”?
a. Impian
b. Mimpi
c. Lamunan
d. Angan-angan
e. Keinginan
Answer : a
Pembahasan: kata "dream" dalam bahasa Indonesia bermakna impian.

18. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To make fuuny
b. To inform readers
c. To educate readers
d. To make surpised
e. To motivate readers
Answer : e
Pembahasan: teks tersebut berisi motivasi. Jadi, tujuan penulis menulis teks tersebut adalah untuk memotivasi para pembacanya.

Baca juga:
contoh soal b. Inggris kelas x semester ganjil K13
soal b. Inggris kelas xi semester ganjil kurtilas edisi revisi.
100+ Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban

19. What is the meaning of’goal’?
a. Tujuan
b. Harapan
c. Keinginan
d. Cita-cita
e. Impian
Answer : a
Pembahasan: kata "goal" dalam bahasa Indonesia bermakna tujuan.

20. Why does the caption text above use old man in the picture?
a. To represents of the goal
b. To represents of the dream
c. To represents set the goal
d. To motivation that an old man can reach the dream
e. To inform that an old man can reach dream
Answer : d
Pembahasan: alasan teks tersebut menggunakan seorang gambar lelaki tua adalah untuk memotivasi kepada para pembacanya bahwa seseorang yang sudah berusia lanjut usia tua pun masih mampu mencapai atau menggapai impiannya.

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